APP Conference Las Vegas, June 8 – June 13, 2014
From the 8th to the 13th of June took place the 18° APP Annual Conference and Exposition.
The APP Conference is the best educational event for new and experienced piercers from all over the world: during the week long educational event they have the chance to attend many different classes, workshops, round table discussions and meetings and buy the best jewelry, products and body piercing related services at the Expo.
Professional piercers and/or adjunct professionals taught classes of a variety of topics related to the body piercing industry, so new piercers just starting to work in the industry learn the core requirements and experienced professionals update skills and information.
Like every year, Bruno Valsecchi, Bruno BMA, attended the “International Round Table” where professionals from all over the world exchange their experience and different point of view in order to foster peer-to-peer education and sharing.
This year we met professionals from USA, Italy, France, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Argentina, Cile, Venezuela, Russia and, for the first time, Thailand and many associations like: APP (Association of Professional Piercers) of course, APTPI (Association of Italian Professional Piercers and Tattooist), BAD (Body Art Development), JPPA (Japanise Professional Piercers Association ) and LBP (Latino America Body Piercing).
During the Round Table were announced the 2° LBP Conference, in November 2014, and the 1° BAD Conference, from 10th to 12th November 2014, in Mogliano Veneto, Venice, a three days body art event with tattoo, piercing and body mods classes, in collaboration with the WWTC, World Wide Tattoo Conference.
Body Mods professionals, like Samppa from Finland, Steve Joiner from USA and Bruno from Italy, talk about a new project related to body modification: the first step will be an International Meeting for body mods professionals.
Check Samppa, Steve and Bruno Facebook page to be updated!
Also, ISA, the International Suspension Alliance (Bruno BMA of APTPI Suspension Team is one of the association co-founder), had the chance to talk over progress and doubts during the first year since its establishment.
Stay tuned to be always updated on APTPI schedule!